Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Open Letter to Sean Hannity about Birth Control Pills which are known as "Abortificients"

Dear Sean Hannity: Too bad you lost your cool and showed loss of class with the way you handled a good priest Father Euteneur. Additionally you showed much ignorance about Birth Control Pill when you stated you had been a seminary student. Birth Control Pills are Abortifacients! Indeed as a practicing Catholic, I am very disappointed with the way the Roman Catholic Church handled the Priest Abuse. However you should realize that Child Abuse and Pedophilia affects anywhere from 2-4% of the general population per estimates. The Priest scandal amounts to less than 2% of the Population. Pedophilia is a sickness afflicting the Human Condition including Priests. This is not an excuse for the way they handled it but simply a fact. To throw this at this Priest was a cheap shot. Fr. Euteneur agreed with you and is also disgusted with the Pedophilia issue. I hope think you reflex reaction to stop abortion with birth control pills is poorly thought out. The use of birth control pills is an abortion as it prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. The difference with Birth Controls pill murdered embryos and aborted fetuses is their size. The end result is the same, a Soul that has been Conceived is killed before it has a chance to grow and the aborted "fetus" is killed after is has developed to this fetal stage. Both are Nascent Life and have a SOUL!
I hope this info is useful to you as you continue the fight for what is right and moral.
Thank you and Dominus Vobiscum,


Also check out: Surgical Abortions Chemical Abortions

Abortifacient contraceptives

Birth control pills are routinely described as "contraceptives", that is, things that prevent conception, the beginning of a new human life. But in fact birth control pills sometimes act as "abortifacients", things that cause abortion.
Birth control pills act in three basic ways: (This information can be obtained from any standard reference work, such as the Physician's Desk Reference.)
  1. They suppress ovulation, that is, they prevent the woman's body from releasing an egg.
  2. They thicken the woman's cervical mucus, which makes it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg.
  3. They alter the lining of the uterus so that the zygote (fertilized egg, the first stage in the life of a human being) cannot implant. The developing baby receives his oxygen and nutrition through the uterus, so if the zygote-baby cannot implant, he starves to death. This is, therefore, an abortion.
There are basically three types of birth control pills:
  • high-dose, progestin and estrogen;
  • low-dose, about half as much progestin and estrogen; and
  • mini-pill, small amount of progestin, no estrogen.
The early high-dose birth control pills acted primarily by suppressing ovulation. Studies found that these pills succeeded in preventing ovulation somewhere between 90 and 98% of the time. However, high-estrogen pills are no longer available in Canada or the United States . They were removed from the market because of various dangerous side effects.
The newer low-dose pills are less effective at preventing ovulation and therefore rely more on the remaining two functions. As an egg is microscopic, it can be difficult to tell in any given case whether an egg really has been released. But Dutch gynecologist Dr Nine Van der Vange made an extensive study of women using these pills. She found proof that an egg had been released in 4% of the cases, and found follicle growth typical of what one finds in early pregnancy in at least 52% of cases.
The workings of the mini-pill are not fully understood, but it appears to allow ovulation at least 40% of the time, according to Emory University's Contraceptive Technology. Ovulation expert Dr. John Billings estimates that between 2 and 10 per cent of a woman's cycles are still ovulatory even when she is taking the Pill. That means there is a chance she can still conceive a child; but because of the Pill's effect on the lining of the womb, the child will not be able to implant, and will be expelled from the mother's body. Although this might seem to be a small percentage risk, over time the likelihood is great. Moreover, there really is no such thing as a "negligible" risk of aborting a baby. In this case, any risk is too great.
The Intra-Uterine Device
    The I.U.D. is a specially shaped piece of plastic or metal that must be inserted into the uterus by a doctor. Although it is not known for sure how it works, it is believed that an I.U.D. changes the lining of the uterus to prevent the fertilized egg from being implanted [emphasis added]. It may also slow the sperm down enough to prevent it from reaching the uterus.
For additional details on the Intra-uterine device click on the title above or go to www.campuslife.utoronto.ca/services/sec/iud.html or ask your pharmacist.
Contraceptive abortions
Some people have moral objections to contraception in principle. But that is not the issue here. Even those who see no moral distinction between preventing pregnancy through contraception and avoiding pregnancy through abstinence, must still object to any birth control method that relies, even a small percentage of the time, on destroying a life that has already begun.
It has been said that birth control pills usually act by contraception, that any abortions that result should be accepted as an unfortunate accident. This is a little like saying that it's alright to fire a gun randomly in the dark, as you usually won't hit anybody, and in the few cases when you do, it should be accepted as an unfortunate accident.
For additional details on Contraceptive abortions click on the title above or go to www.ohiolife.org/aborters/facient.html or ask your pharmacist


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