World in denial on al-Qaeda and 9/11
Americans vs Islamo-Jihadist AssassinsOn the anniversary of 911 and the Murder of thousands of Americans by blood thirsty Islamic Jihadists on a Kamikaze Assassin Mission so that Allah(The Supreme Being or God) will reward them with 72 Virgins in Paradise! What is the definition of an Assassin? Well it is surprise surprise a Muslim fanatic!
Well, in honor of the first heroes/fallen citizen soldiers of United Airlines Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania who saved Americans by fighting back and the Emergency Firemen, Port Authority, Civilians and Policeman who died saving thousands of victims this atrocity at the World trade Center, I'd like to underscore the power and strength of the American Spirit by recounting a little told story.... I have it on good authority(a friend who is a retired Military Pilot & on 911 was on active duty) that American Military Pilots from all over the United States and in particular the East Coast region of the US, were scrambled to the Airspace of these Eastern Cities! The brave men and women were directed to ram incoming Commercial Jets that might try to crash into the Sky scrappers of other American Cities. You see many US Military Pilots were on routine training missions when the World Trade Centers were hit. Because we were not ready for this attack and the F-15's and F-16's were not armed our Military improvised on the Spot and planned to take out any potential Aircraft hijacked and to be turned into Giant Molotov Cocktail bombs by crazed Islamo-Jihadist Assassins by ramming their Military Aircraft into them! Here is an amazing article from Aviation Week and Space Technology entitled F-16 Pilots Considered Ramming Flight 93 published on 9/09/2002 which confirms the story I was told.
The bravery and ingenuity of these DC Air National Guard Pilots caught on and became the Strategy for the "on the fly response" by our brave fellow Americans! We Americans are not Crazed Assassins but are reluctant warriors but Born FIGHTERS and will Prevail!
Furthermore I've been told that before the Islamo-Jihadist Assassins slit the throats of the Commercial Pilots with the box cutters they gouged out these Civilian Pilots' Eyes blinding them! I believe in the USA and the American Citizen and Soldier Heroes honored today...We the "Men & Women of the West" will Prevail no matter how ruthless and cunning the Islamo-Jihadist Assassins are! Why? Because we are the Americans imbued by the spirit and ideals of our Forefathers and although reluctant to fight we are FIGHTERS and when forced we are the Men and Women of the motto "Semper Fi"! |
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