Barack Obama was raised a Muslim and Mitt Romney is a Mormon! Guess who gets my Vote?
Children practice dribbling in the courtyard playground at Model
In this class photo from what is now called Model Primary School Menteng 1, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is the pupil circled in the back row.
(Handout photo)
School Menteng 1 in central Jakarta, where Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was registered as a Muslim pupil in 3rd and 4th Grades.
(Paul Watson / LAT)
Islam an unknown factor in Obama bid
"Campaign downplays his connection during boyhood in Indonesia"
- His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama's grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both of the schools he attended.
- That registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class.
- The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque. "We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played," said Zulfin Adi, who describes himself as among Obama's closest childhood friends.
Hilliary's Smear Squad denies it but they may have been the ones to break this story. See the entire articles at Insight Magazine.
Matinee Mitt should be Romney's moniker because he has it all, the polish, the brains Harvard JD and MBA, the Family and the Success. Additionally he is a an articulate and dynamic speaker. His accomplishments Dwarf those of BO but yikes he is a MORMON! The Logan-ite Media Knuckleheads give BO a Pass on the Religion Issue. Well read this article which states that the Quran is explicit his Father was a Muslim so BO is a Muslim additionally he attended a Madrasa and is now an Apostate and guess what happens to them:
- According to Sharia, the group explained, apostates those who leave Islam for another religion must be killed. Union of Islamic Court leaders even have threatened to kill as apostates Muslims who are lax in their prayers, claiming this is commanded by Sharia. Several Muslims have been flogged publicly for drug-related offenses since the union took control.
Oh and his entire name is Barack Hussein Obama and here is a treatise on his name at Language Log
- Why has he sometimes said his first name is Arabic, and other times Swahili?
- When he was growing up, his family, friends and teachers called him "Barry." Then as a young man, he started insisting on "Barack," explaining in a memoir published in 1995 that his grandfather was a Muslim and that it means "blessed" in Arabic. His dad, who was Kenyan, had gone by "Barry" -- probably trying to fit in when he came to the States, his son figured. On the campaign trail during his 2004 Senate race, Obama told reporters that "Barack" was Swahili for "blessed by God."
- "Barack" is rooted in both Arabic and Swahili. Swahili has an enormous number of loanwords from Arabic, and "Bara(c)k" is pretty obviously one of them. It's derived from the Arabic triliteral B-R-K (ÈÑß), the morphological basis for many words having to do with the act of blessing. Commenting on Crooks and Liars, bulbul (one of the erudite regulars in Languagehat's comment section) provides this helpful background:
- I'd venture a guess and say that Obama's name comes from "baaraka" (ÈÇÑß), a III. form verb which most often crops up in the phrase "baarak(a) Allaah fiik" (ÈÇÑß Çááå Ýíß) meaning "may God bless you" or even "thank you". My Swahili dictionary lists "barak(a)" as a noun meaning "blessing, prosperity, abundance".
The Arabic for "blessed" is "mubaarak" (ãÈÇÑß), as in the surname of the Egyptian president. - So to recap: Barak Obama's first name is both Swahili (as it is a part of Swahili lexicon) and Arabic (since it is Arabic by origin).
- "Barack" is rooted in both Arabic and Swahili. Swahili has an enormous number of loanwords from Arabic, and "Bara(c)k" is pretty obviously one of them. It's derived from the Arabic triliteral B-R-K (ÈÑß), the morphological basis for many words having to do with the act of blessing. Commenting on Crooks and Liars, bulbul (one of the erudite regulars in Language hat's comment section) provides this helpful background:
I'd venture a guess and say that Obama's name comes from "baaraka" (ÈÇÑß), a III. form verb which most often crops up in the phrase "baarak(a) Allaah fiik" (ÈÇÑß Çááå Ýíß) meaning "may God bless you" or even "thank you". My Swahili dictionary lists "barak(a)" as a noun meaning "blessing, prosperity, abundance".
The Arabic for "blessed" is "mubaarak" (ãÈÇÑß), as in the surname of the Egyptian president.
So to recap: Barak Obama's first name is both Swahili (as it is a part of Swahili lexicon) and Arabic (since it is Arabic by origin).
Because of this Americans can not vote for Barack Obama because he will be held Hostage by his previous Religion!.....Can you imagine BO being the terrorist's next target because not only is he an American but he is a Muslim Apostate!...Oh yeah, President BO will play hardball with Muslim terrorists!....Confession by Al Qaeda's number 3(Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) details that they wanted to Assassinate former American Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill "Bubba" Clinton......
BO name is Muslim period. His biologic and step-father were Muslims and he converted to Christianity about 10 years ago. If the Media is going after "Matinee" Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon then they are enormous hypocrites because a Muslim Apostate is as President of the United States of American the "Great Satan" to Radical Jihadist Muslims is a big Problem and not dealing with it is a foul ball out committed by the Logan-ite Press. Americans need to pull a Martha Logan and leave the MSM for Talk Radio.
Dominus Vobiscum
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